Responsible running and drinking in the interest of science!
The Fishtown Beer Runners® (FBR) is a running club combining running, socializing and philanthropy. FBR promotes and supports exercise; responsible enjoyment of beer; camaraderie and engagement; local businesses; and community charities. FBR values inclusion and diversity, and welcomes runners of all abilities and backgrounds regardless of race; color, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, age, religion, handicap, sex, sexual orientation or gender identity.
Where we start
Join us from one of three start locations across the city. All runs start promptly at 7:00 PM.
Palmer Park at Frankford & Palmer St.
South Philly
Bella Vista at 7th & Bainbridge St.
Center City
City Hall in the courtyard.
If the courtyard is closed, we will meet at the Octavius Catto statue on the south side of City Hall.

About the club
Proclaimed “The coolest running club in America” by running guru Christopher McDougall, FBR is credited with popularizing and sparking the beer running movement in the U.S. and abroad. Today there are twenty chapters nation-wide and seventy across Spain.
One afternoon in November, 2007 while running together in the Fishtown neighborhood of Philadelphia, Eric Fiedler told David April about a beer study conducted by Dr. Manuel Castillo (The Professor) at the University of Granada, Spain. Eric and David decided to test the study and stopped for a beer at the New Wave Café on Allegheny Avenue.
Several trial runs later, David and Eric were determined to spread the word to beer drinkers and runners alike and formed the Fishtown Beer Runners. The first official run, with four runners, took place on December 20, 2007 to the Druid's Keep.
Fishtown Beer Runners® combine responsible running and consumption in the interest of science. We gather once a week to run three to five miles, and conclude each run at a pub for a beer or two.
We run together for a block or two and then break down into our own paces. Slow or fast, it doesn’t matter. A fun run, get to the bar no questions asked.
Our club was inspired by a scientific research study conducted by Dr. Manuel Castillo, Professor of Medical Physiology, School of Medicine, University of Granada. The study concluded that beer and water have similar rehydration effects when compared a moderate amount of beer (660 ML) to the same amount of water.
Fishtown Beer Runners® is open to anyone over 21, and to runners of all abilities. New and experienced runners are welcomed. There is no formal membership, fees or dues, and runners are responsible for their own tabs. The club is also open to walkers and yes, even non drinkers.
Fishtown Beer Runners is registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Beer Runners: The Movie
A film by Justin Wirtalla
Still reeling from a devastating divorce, Philadelphian David April went out for a run and afterwards grabbed a beer in the name of science. Fourteen years and several thousand miles later, the beer running movement he and his friend Eric Fiedler began continues to flourish.
Justin Wirtalla’s inspiring documentary is a celebration of the small actions that can affect the lives of so many others. “To the Professor!” is the toast declared every Thursday at the end of a run. The professor in question is Manuel Castillo of the University of Granada, who conducted a study on the positive effects of drinking beer after exercise. This is the scientific foundation upon which the Fishtown Beer Runners have built their running movement. The film follows the genesis of this eclectic group of well-seasoned runners and newbies alike as they meet each week to promote exercise, camaraderie, and great-tasting beer, culminating in a pilgrimage to Spain where they finally meet their patron saint, the Professor.
- Philadelphia Film Society
“Beer Runners” is the best film I’ve ever seen about running, and I’ve seen them all. I had no idea that the coolest running club in America was created from heartache and grew into an emotional, inspiring, hilariously-fun gang of misfits that has saved literally lives and inspired scientific research. Bring a hanky and a beer, because you’ll want to wipe tears and raise a toast “To the Professor!
- Christopher McDougall, author, Born to Run
Running Times Podcast with GAGZ
Building a Running Community
David April is one of the founders of Fishtown Beer Runners: whose mission is to test the scientific study that beer and water have similar rehydration effects. Gagz and David talk about how and why he started running, the conception of Fishtown Beer Runners, and their plans for the future.
For Bar Owners
Would you like to have 70+ thirsty and hungry new customers patronize your business? Well, invite us in and we’ll spend a couple of hours and our money with you! It’s easy, simply info [@]
How it works:
Runs occur weekly on Thursday evenings
Runners typically arrive between 7:30-8:00 pm (depending on mileage)
We stay about two hours
Runs happen rain or shine, all-year-around
We will list your business and a link to your website
We are:
Connoisseurs of quality beer and food
Mature, polite and friendly
Active and community-minded
From all areas of the city
Supporters of local businesses and usually return with our families and friends
You should provide:
Beer specials
Pitchers of water
A diverse beer selection including local brews
Consider staffing an extra bartender to handle the rush of runners. It will likely mean increased revenue

Born in Philly | Copyright 2021 Fishtown Beer Runners (FBR)